How do you get closer to the gold?

Can you imagine running a race with no set finish line?

How would you know if you won the race? Would you know where to stop? No and No!

Chances are that you will feel frustrated with a race that never ends and most likely quit the run.  This is the similar to running a business, sales and/or marketing campaigns without any set goals.

When there are no defined goals and objectives, you’re already setting yourself up to underperform or in some cases, fail.  So, before you embark on any marketing and/or sales activity; you need to make it clear what you plan on achieving.  By setting goals, you are more financially responsible.  It becomes clear what activities to invest more in and what activities to discard.

You get the gold when you set the goals
— Dami Eluyera
Finish line

You might have heard the pneumonic – S.M.A.R.T, which implies that businesses should set smart goals and also have goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound.  These are not mutually exclusive.  You cannot choose to have specific goals that are not realistic.

S – Specific suggests that your goals need to be clearly defined.  They cannot be vague like “I want to make more money”.  The need to be clearly defined stating something like, “I want to make $20,000 in the first quarter”

M – Measurable must offer you some form of data.  It is easy to measure progress using data.  If you sold 10 bags of sugar last week, and sold 11 this week, it is easy to tell that you did better this week.  

A – Attainable. As much as we all like to think of ourselves as superwomen and supermen, the fact remains that we are human and can only do so much.  When you set goals, you must ensure that they are things that you might be able to cross off your list if you stretch yourself.  

R – Realistic.  Put down goals that can happen in real life, not something that is clearly a dream.  This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t dream.  By all means, please go ahead and dream.  In fact, dream really BIG.  However, when it comes to goal setting, be honest.  Take into account the resources (people, time, money …) you have to work with and the challenges that you might encounter.

T – Time Bound.  Set a time frame for the work you intend to achieve.  You cannot make specific, measurable, attainable and realistic goals, with the expectation to accomplish them whenever.  This will not motivate you to do anything because you will think you have all the time in the world.  Creating goals that are not time bound defeat the purpose of creating goals all together.  Set a finish line!

As we move into a new month, I want to encourage you to set goals for yourself and not just pass through 2020 as though it was truly cancelled from the onset of COVID-19. Challenge yourself and DO BETTER!

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Dami Eluyera

Dami is the Startup Brand Master at A Brand New Thing! - a Toronto-based creative marketing agency, that helps entrepreneurs build attractively profitable brands. She is also the Founder of IMDOINGIT - a non-profit that supports black youth advancement in career and business.

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